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Feral Magic Page 17

  Sean drew a breath and was probably about to repeat everything he’d just said, so I waved a hand in the air to stop him. “No, I heard you. I just don’t understand... What the fuck? Can someone less science-y please explain? In Cleo language?”

  Boden started to speak, but Elise shushed him.

  “I got this one,” she announced, then turned to me. “Okay, so my other major is in classical history, so I kind of have a wild guess on what—or who—you are.” She grinned widely. “There was a rumor going around back in the day. You know, back in Queen Hatty’s day.”

  I squinted at her. “You mean three and a half thousand years ago? There was a rumor…? Okay sure, I’ll bite. What was the rumor that somehow survived three and a half millennia and traveled halfway around the world translated from a dead language?”

  Elise totally missed my sarcasm. Or ignored it. Whatever. “Right, so the rumor was that Hatty and Ra were actually lovers. The ‘records’ say he gave her his power hidden inside an amulet during a war between the gods, in order to keep it safe. But then he never returned for it and was never seen—physically—again. Everyone still believed in him as a ‘god’ in, like, the spiritual sense of the word, but we magical beings know that the gods existed in a far more physical way. Physical enough to conceive a baby with the pharaoh, whom he trusted enough to guard his power?” She shrugged but looked smug. “You tell me.”

  I squinted at her harder. “Girl, you are putting cheese with cardboard and calling it cake. You want to tell me that an ancient Egyptian queen... and a god... did the nasty and had a love child.” She nodded excitedly. “And that somehow... that child is me?”

  She nodded again, like, Hey, you’re finally getting it!

  I was not. I was not at all getting it.

  “Does anyone else see the glaring issue here?” I arched a brow at freaking everyone else in the room. “No one? No one at all. I’m the only one wondering where the four thousand years in between went?”

  Elise leveled me with an impatient glare. “Three and a half thousand, and geez, it’s like you don’t believe in magic or something.” She threw her hands up and stalked away, muttering under her breath.

  I let Sean have the rest of my what the fuck face. “Are you buying this? You’re a scientist, for the love of cats.”

  He nodded. “I also turn into a wolf with close to three times my current body mass. Some things can’t be explained through logic and science, my dear.”

  “So we’re all just meant to run with this idea that my parents were a pharaoh and a god and somehow baby me got lost in time for thousands of years until popping up in Oregon... just waiting to be adopted by Prudence and Hank Carroll? That’s... that’s the best theory we’re working from?”

  Sean nodded, and I rubbed both hands over my face.

  Just when I thought shit couldn’t get any more insane...

  “I think I need some air,” I announced, pushing up from my wheelie chair and hurrying through the lab. One of the guys called after me, but I just really needed air.

  Holy fuck, I couldn’t breathe.

  I was suffocating. Someone was suffocating me. Was the room full of gas? No, everyone else seemed fine. Fuck. No. I still couldn’t breathe; I needed to get outside.


  I shoved the doors open, hurried up the short staircase to the foyer, and then burst out into the late afternoon sunlight, gasping for air.

  I was so fucking focused on getting air into my lungs—because I don’t care what one half of me was, the other half was human and humans need air to live—that I ran straight into the back of a tall man wearing black.

  “Sorry,” I gasped, “I wasn’t—”

  My apology cut short when the man turned around and smiled down at me... with only one good eye.

  Ah, fuck.

  “Cleo!” Boden burst out of the building behind me, then pulled up short when Scarface spun me around and pressed a knife to my neck with scary speed and dexterity. “Axle. How did you find us here?”

  “That would be giving away trade secrets, Bo,” the man holding me captive replied with a throaty chuckle. “Besides, what does it matter? I’m here, and your little cat just fell right into my lap.”

  Raze and Hunter had emerged from the building now, too, and warily watched as Scarface used the tip of his knife to fish my amulet out of my top. My captor seemed totally uncaring that we were in public, in daylight, and he was holding me at knifepoint.

  In fairness, we were some of the few people left as everyone else was focused on heading home for the day. Gods damn mobile phones, no one was looking in our direction at all.

  “This is what I came for, but seeing as I can’t touch it myself, I’ll have to take you with me.” He braced his arms around me, like he was preparing to drag me somewhere, and I just...


  Fear spiked through me. I had no idea where he planned to take me or how he planned to get me there. What if he knocked me out? But then he hit me too hard and gave me a brain bleed, and then I ended up paralyzed. What then? Nope, no way, I couldn’t let him take me freaking anywhere.

  So, like I said, I panicked.

  Blinding light flared from my amulet, quickly erasing everything from sight until the entire world was bright, white light and then...


  Okay, it was less of a “poof” and more of a “pop,” like the weird sensation of air pressure being suddenly displaced. Yeah, I don’t really know how better to describe it and “poof” sounded magical and dramatic, so just roll with it.

  The light cleared, and I found myself, uh, exactly where I was a second ago.

  Scarface was still holding me captive, and we were still facing the science building. The only difference was... the guys were gone.

  Just like that.


  Chapter Nineteen

  “What the fuck?” Scarface exclaimed, loosening his hold on me as he looked around.

  Yes! That was my chance!

  Swinging my leg back, I slammed my heel into his nuts as hard as I possibly could.

  Then ran like hell.

  All the way back into the science building and down the stairs to Sean’s lab... which was locked. Light off, no one home.

  What in the cat-loving fuck? He had just been here a minute ago. Him, Elise, and Daniel... they couldn’t have packed up and gone home that quickly.

  The sound of the doors above me banging open made me jump in fright, then frantically hunt for a hiding place. Stupid Sean’s stupid lab was on the basement level, and the only way out was back up. As in, past Scarface.

  Out of time and out of ideas, I ducked down behind the hazardous materials waste bin and crossed my fingers. Surely the shadows were deep enough and I was small enough that he wouldn’t see me?

  Heavy footsteps clomped down the stairs one at a time, totally unhurried. Ugh, what a prick. He must have known he had me cornered. What kind of sick fuck drags out the anticipation like that, anyway? Just get it over with!

  “Miss?” a voice that was definitely not Scarface’s said. “Are you okay? Do you need help?”

  Cracking my eyes open and uncurling my arms from over my head, I peeked up at the... uh... the janitor.

  Not one to let my guard down so easily, I peered past him, checking for hidden cultists using the janitor as a smoke screen. I wouldn’t have put it past him, either, deranged psychopath that he was.

  Scarface, I meant. Not the janitor. He seemed like a nice gentleman.

  “Uh, yeah,” I replied, climbing up off the floor and dusting the back of my jeans off. “Just, ah, thought you were someone else.”

  I gave him a tight smile and awkwardly edged past him to the stairs. If Scarface hadn’t followed me—yet—I should get the fuck out of there. No one liked to be a sitting duck.

  At the top of the stairs, I looked out the window and spotted a black-clad figure striding across the grass in quite the opposite direction to where I was. And by striding, I
did mean limping somewhat because I had nailed him hard. Heh.

  “Well shit,” I muttered to myself. “That was easier than anticipated.”

  Or was it?

  Where had the guys gone? Why was the lab all locked up and closed? Maybe I should have asked the janitor.

  “Cake,” I whispered. “Maybe they went for cake.”

  Because that totally made sense. Oh hey, Cleo is being held at knifepoint by a crazy cultist; let’s all run to Bertie’s Books for more cake! Maybe Scarface will be swayed by the delicious smell of baked goods.

  Right. I’m aware how dumb that theory was. But for lack of any better ideas, I headed to Bertie’s Books, hoping to find my guardians there with a plate of fresh cake.

  When I arrived, the store was empty and the waitress from earlier was just... unlocking? Why would she be unlocking? Why had they been locked?

  “Good morning,” she greeted me with a smile. “I’m still opening up for the day, but you’re welcome to take a seat and I’ll bring over coffee shortly.”

  “Uh...” I blinked at her in confusion. Opening up for the day? But I’d just spent most of the afternoon here.

  She nodded to the counter where an older man was laying out fresh cakes. “Would you like me to bring you a slice? Today’s flavor is mocha swirl.”

  I rubbed the bridge of my nose and looked around. Had I somehow entered a parallel dimension?

  “Uh,” I started, nervously biting my lip. “I thought it was hummingbird?”

  The girl just cocked her head to the side, confused. “Mmm, nope, we just had hummingbird cake three days ago. Bertie likes to mix it up, so that flavor won’t be back for at least a week. Did you want to try the mocha swirl? It’s really good, I promise.”

  I sat down at the table she directed me to in the window of the quirky little store, and a sneaking suspicion crept up on me.

  “This is going to sound a bit, um, odd,” I said, giving her an apologetic smile, “but could you tell me what day it is?”

  She looked a little confused—rightly so—but still replied. “It’s Saturday, the twenty-third.” She paused, giving me a more concerned look. “Are you okay, hun? Do you need help?” Her eyes darted around, like she might find someone coming to hurt me—which was kind of adorable seeing as I had just been held at knifepoint.

  “Yeah, yes, sorry, I’m fine. Just had a hard night out,” I lied with a fake laugh. “Totally lost track of my days.”

  Fuck. Me. Saturday? It had been Wednesday when we’d arrived at the lab... Where the fuck did three days just go?

  Oh shit. The light and the poofing! No wonder the guys weren’t still outside the science building; me and Scarface would have disappeared three freaking days ago. But now what? How the fuck did I find them? Based on the dark and locked-up nature of the lab, and the fact that it was the weekend, I didn’t think Sean would be coming back to work any time soon. I had no mobile phone and no idea how to contact my guardians. Holy shit. I had no money.

  “Wait,” I put my hand out to pause the waitress as she was about to pour me a coffee. “I’m so sorry, I just realized I don’t have my wallet.” I started to get up from my seat, and she waved me back down.

  “Don’t stress, hun, we’ve all been there.” She proceeded to fill the mug with coffee. “Take a minute; drink some coffee. It’s on the house.”

  Her smile was totally genuine, and I was a bit speechless. So much so that I didn’t find any words at all until she returned and dropped a plate of rich, brown cake in front of me.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “That’s—”

  “Don’t even stress,” she cut me off. “We all have off days, and it never hurts to deal out a little kindness. Now, try the cake. Bertie wants to know what you think.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder to where the older man was leaning on the counter eagerly.

  A bit embarrassed but not knowing what else to do, I took a forkful of the cake and popped it in my mouth.

  “Oh my cats,” I groaned around the food. “That’s really good.” I leaned past the waitress to tell Bertie directly, “Bertie, your cakes are amazing!”

  He beamed and gave me a nod of appreciation before ducking back into the little kitchen. I licked my fork clean, then dug it in for another bite while the waitress laughed.

  “Try it with a sip of coffee,” she suggested as she wandered away to continue setting up. “Totally changes the flavors.”

  “Wow,” I muttered to myself, trying what she advised and being so freaking glad I did. Amazing. So tasty.

  It wasn’t until I’d totally finished my coffee and cake that I started thinking about what the hell I would do next. I had no money, no way of contacting the guys, nowhere to stay... Holy crap. I was homeless. How the fuck had I become homeless and not even realized it?

  This was bad. Really freaking bad.

  As was my nervous habit, my fingers rubbed at the amulet hanging around my neck. If only I knew how to use the fucking thing, maybe it could help me out of shit creek.

  With slightly comical timing, the amulet zapped me.

  “Are you kidding me?” I hissed down at the jewelry, shaking my hand to clear the zap from my fingers. It was like I’d just touched an electric fence or gotten a massive static shock. Either way, rude as hell. “What, now you want to start doing shit?” I demanded of my amulet. Quietly. I was making enough of an impression being the random, pink-haired, tattooed chick with no money and no idea what day of the week it was. I did not need to add “talks to inanimate objects” to that list, or I would probably wind up in a mental hospital for real. If I wasn’t already.

  Carefully, because I wasn’t super into pain, I picked the gold disk up between my thumb and forefinger and peered at it.

  Nothing happened.

  “Hey, cool necklace,” the waitress commented, scaring the living shit out of me and making me jump a little in my seat.

  I cleared my throat before replying, just in case my voice came out in a scared mouse squeak. “Oh, ah, thanks,” I finally said. “Family heirloom.”

  She smiled, clearing my empty plate away. “Well, it’s pretty.”

  “Thanks,” I responded, closing my hand over the amulet a little defensively. I’d had it for years and worn it everyday, but learning it actually contained the power of a god made me a little more paranoid about it.

  Just then, the necklace decided to give me a little push, and I knew it was time to leave.

  “Hey, thank you so much for this,” I said to the girl, indicating to the cake and coffee dishes. “I really appreciate it. When I find my, uh, wallet, I’ll come back and pay you.”

  The waitress shook her head. “No need, hun. Just pay it forward somewhere along the line. Karma and all that.”

  She left for the little kitchen without allowing me any opportunity to argue, so I followed the urging of my possessed necklace and left the store.

  Outside, I turned left.

  It wanted me to go right.

  “For cat’s sake,” I snapped—under my breath, of course—when it yanked on my neck to turn me around. “Maybe you should have been more specific in the first place so I don’t look like a total nut job.”

  Yes, I was aware I was speaking to an item of jewelry, and yes, I was aware I already looked like a nut job. But you know. Varying degrees and all that.

  For the next… I don’t even know how long, I let the necklace guide me. Some might wonder if that was really the smartest course of action, as I had no idea where it was taking me or what its motivations were. Maybe it really liked being wet and it was about to make me jump off a bridge or something. Well, to those people, yeah okay, fair point.

  But my question in response would be... do you have a better idea?

  Recap: I had no money, no phone, and no way to contact freaking anyone because no one actually memorizes phone numbers anymore. Oh, and I’d somehow just jumped me and Scarface three days into the future. Riddle me that.

  The amulet finally stopped
tugging on me outside a fancy looking house on a pretty, tree-lined street.

  “This one?” I asked the pushy fuck. “You want me to go in here?”

  The amulet gave an extra hard tug on the chain in the direction of the front door. Like I hadn’t already figured that one out. Asshole.

  “Fine,” I grumbled, walking up the path. “But if you’ve brought me to the home of an axe murderer who is going to keep me locked in a cage in his basement for three years before finally cutting me into tiny pieces to feed to his goldfish... well. We will have problems, you and I.”

  The necklace didn’t respond... shocking, I know, given it was a freaking necklace. So instead, I heaved a sigh and pressed the doorbell buzzer.

  I waited a few moments, fidgeting with the cuffs of my jacket, before pressing it again. Yes, I’m one of those assholes.

  “I’m coming!” Someone yelled from inside the house, and I don’t think they meant it in a sexual way. Good thing, too, if they were about to open the door. That would have been super awkward.

  Before my mind could wander any further down the path of interrupting someone mid-orgasm—because Hunter was totally right, that was rude—the door flew open.

  “Cleo?” Sean gasped. “What the—how—where—Boden!” The last part was yelled—I’m sure you can imagine.

  I smiled like a creepy weirdo because this whole situation was freaking me out. “Hey, Sean. You live here? That’s... cool.” I picked up the necklace and peered at it. “Good work, you.”

  It could have been my imagination, but I thought the amulet gave a happy little buzz when it came to rest back on my chest.

  “So the guys are here?” I peered past him, hopeful. It had only been an hour or so since they’d gone poof—or rather, since I’d gone poof—but I missed those overgrown pussycats. All of them.

  Sean was still blinking at me like I was a ghost, so I waited, bouncing on my toes, until my sexy blond friend came into view.

  “Cleo!” he exclaimed, shoving Sean aside and sweeping me up in a huge hug—the sort of hug that lifted my feet totally off the ground and left me clinging to his shoulders as he buried his face in my neck.