Feral Magic Read online

Page 19

  “None of that specifically mentions going to Texas, though,” I commented, wrinkling my nose in confusion. “Other than the fact that...” I trailed off, turning accusing eyes on Boden. “You were going to leave Raze there to die?” Puzzle pieces clicked together in my head, and I jumped out of Hunter’s lap, horrified. “What the fuck? I thought he was your friend!”

  “Cleo, calm down,” Boden started, and a dull ringing of fury built up in my head.

  “Oh, you did not just tell me to calm down,” I breathed in white-hot anger. “You were just going to leave Raze with the cultists to get, what, sacrificed in some demonic ritual?”

  “It’s not demonic if it’s to Bast,” Hunter muttered, and I swung my death glare his way.

  “He might have gotten himself out,” Boden protested, not sounding anywhere near convincing enough.

  I seethed. “Might. Might have. Might not have too, and then where would that leave us? Huh? Do you honestly think I would be okay with that course of action?” I threw my hands up in the air at the sheer idiocy of the men in this room.

  Except Sean. Sean seemed sane.

  “We’re going to Texas, and we’re saving Raze’s ass. End of story!” I stomped my foot as I said that. It was involuntary, I wasn’t proud of it, but it happened.

  Jesus Christ Supercats, I had never felt more like a petulant troll in my life. Like, even my hair was the same shade as Princess Poppy’s. Damn it all to Egyptian Hell.

  “Now. How do we get there?” I directed my question at Hunter while Boden glared death and punishment my way. Well, too freaking bad for him that wasn’t one of his abilities, so he’d have to just suck it up.

  “Um.” Hunter flicked a glance at Boden, who gave him a tight, angry nod. “I guess I can arrange a plane, but it’ll take a couple of hours.”

  “Good,” I huffed. “Do that.” A post-meltdown wake of exhaustion washed over me, and my eyelids suddenly felt like they were made of pure lead. “Um, Sean, do you have somewhere I can lie down? I’m not feeling so great.”

  Sean only hesitated a moment before he hopped up and led the way through his house to a guest room. “I’ll be back in a second,” he told me, ushering me into the room. “You’re suffering backlash. Two secs.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about, so I just sat my butt down on the edge of the bed and wallowed in the total-bag-of-shit feeling that had just consumed me. What the fuck was happening? Had I suddenly caught the flu? Or malaria? Oh my cats, what if it was some weird-ass, freaky time travel disease that I’d picked up wherever I was in between Wednesday and Saturday?

  By the time Sean returned, I was almost hyperventilating.

  “Am I dying?” I squeaked out as he stepped back into the room holding a fistful of... protein bars? Where were the antibiotics? Surely I needed antibiotics!

  Sean gaped, confused, then laughed. “No, oh my goodness, you do have a flair for the dramatic. No, I already told you you’re suffering backlash. Here, eat these.”

  I took one of the bars from him and ripped it open, sniffing it. “What is it? Some kind of magic healing bar?”

  “What?” Sean gave me a baffled look. “It’s a protein bar. I’m going out on a limb here and guessing that what you did, jumping yourself and Axle three days through time, it’s drained your energy. You just need to eat something.”

  “Oh.” I took a big bite of the chocolate-flavored bar, chewed, and swallowed. “So, are you saying I’m just not myself when I’m hungry?”

  Sean rolled his eyes at my dumb Snickers joke. “Just eat all of these. They’ll help your body restore all the missing energy. Or that’s how it works for most magical beings.”

  My mind wandered back to the truck stop, where Boden had inhaled a whole pile of hot dogs, and to the fact that none of the big cats had anything more than 2% body fat. I guess their shifting and high metabolism were to blame for the lack of dad bods.

  “Take a nap if you need to,” Sean suggested, heading for the door. “I’ll tell those two shit-for-brains to leave you alone a bit.”

  I chuckled around my mouthful of protein bar. “Thanks.”

  After he was gone, I dusted off the rest of the bars and really did feel a million times better for it, which was exciting in more ways than one. Firstly, it meant that I actually had used magic, rather than being taken along for the ride. It was me who had time jumped, not Axle and not the amulet. Secondly, this meant I could stop going to pilates to work off my love of food!

  Come to think of it, though, a nap didn’t sound too bad either.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The sound of footsteps near my bed woke me, and I sat up with a violent gasp. Was I being attacked again? Was Scarface back to get me? Did I accidentally jump through time in my sleep, and now I’m in medieval times about to be sold into slavery?

  “Oh, Boden.” I relaxed with a heavy sigh, recognizing the intruder. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, then peered around the room. “How long was I asleep?”

  “Couple of hours,” he replied, sitting on the side of the bed and looking at his hands. “Hunter organized his jet to take us down to Texas, so we need to leave here in about an hour. Just thought I’d wake you up in case you want to shower and change.”

  “Oh.” I collapsed back into the pillows. “An hour. That’s loads of time.” Rolling onto my side, I snuggled back into the blankets. “I don’t know why I’m so tired. I ate all the chocolate Sean gave me.”

  Boden gave a small shrug, still not looking at me. “It happens to us too, sometimes. Especially when we first start shifting. Your body’s adjusting to the use of magic, and it’s sort of like stretching a muscle that hasn’t ever been used. Exhausting. Not that we have any other demigods to compare you against; it’s just a guess.”

  I yawned heavily, covering my mouth with the back of my hand. “Makes sense.”

  He sat there for a moment, not saying anything but also not making a move to leave at all.

  “What’s up?” I finally asked, after staring at the side of his face way for longer than was socially acceptable. “You look like you have something on your mind.”

  Boden drew a deep breath and released it in a sigh, still looking at his hands. “I do.”

  “So?” I prompted, shuffling over and patting the bed beside me. “Come lie down and tell me what’s going on. This bed is super comfy, just FYI.”

  A small smile teased at his lips, but he resisted until I reached out and yanked on his arm. Eventually he kicked off his shoes and lay on his side beside me.

  “Cleo, I wanted to come and apologize to you,” he said, finally bringing his gaze up to meet mine. We were sharing the same pillow, so it was either make eye contact or be an awkward weirdo by trying to stare at the ceiling.

  I shifted more onto my side to face him, tucking one hand under my face. “What for?”

  A small frown touched his brow. “Seriously? For earlier... that fight...”

  “Oh.” I nodded slightly. “Well, I mean other than for being a bit of an overbearing asshole who tried to keep me wrapped in cotton-wool at the risk of his best friend being sliced and diced on a cultist’s altar... I don’t think you have much to apologize for. Nothing wrong with a little healthy debate.”

  Boden rolled his eyes at my summary. “Well, yeah. All of that. I just wanted to explain myself a bit. I hate the idea that you think I’m an overbearing asshole, and believe me, I would do almost anything to rescue Raze...” He trailed off, and I understood.

  “Anything that didn’t put me in danger, you mean.”

  Boden’s face tightened, but he nodded. “If I have to choose between my friend and you, the choice will always be you. Every time. Hunter and Raze will say the same thing. ‘Guardian’ isn’t just a job title that we applied and got selected for. It’s a sacred calling, and not one we take lightly.”

  Reaching out, I stroked a light finger down the side of his face. “I know. Or I’m trying to understand. But me going to Texas do
es not automatically equate to me being in danger. For all you know, it could be a super easy rescue, and we can go about our lives... whatever that looks like now.”

  He scowled, catching my hand and pressing a kiss to my fingers. “Or it could end in disaster.”

  “We won’t know until we try,” I replied with a cheeky smile. “Besides, I can’t just walk away from Raze. There’s too much... stuff between us now.” My belly fluttered, remembering the way he’d kissed me in the street and the promises of dirty sex the other night in the club.

  “Yeah, Hunter told me about that move he pulled with the books. Smooth fucker.” Boden released my hand and ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what it is about you, Cleo. You’ve got all three of us panting after you like love-sick puppies.”

  I gave him a toothy grin. “Must be my shining personality.”

  He laughed lightly, then sobered up to peer at me with a serious face. “The way we argued earlier, I needed to explain myself. I’m not usually so... volatile.”

  “Uh-huh, everyone says that.” I smiled to let him off the hook, but he shook his head.

  “No, I’m serious. You remember how I can sense your emotions?” He raised his brows, and I nodded. “Well, when you start getting really fired up like that, it gets really intense, and I somehow end up just mirroring your emotions. Not to say I don’t stand by everything I said, I just usually deliver it with a little less...”

  “Passion?” I suggested, understanding what he was saying. He’d flown off the handle because I was already raging. This was going to prove interesting in future disagreements.

  “Yes.” He smiled back at me. “Passion.”

  I thought back to that argument and the way his anger had seemed to spike every single time mine had. What a mess.

  “Regardless of the way we handled our disagreement, I need to make something really super crystal clear with you, Bo.” I peered at him, making sure he understood I was dead serious. “You cannot treat me like a child or a porcelain doll. I know I don’t have claws and fangs and shit, but I’m still a person with valid opinions and feelings. If this”—I waved my hand in the air, indicating, uh, stuff—“this thing with the four of us is going to have any longevity, then we all need to be equals. Regardless of our genitals. Understood?”

  A small smile pulled at his lips, but he smoothed it out to a serious expression. “Understood. I didn’t mean to make you feel like a second-class citizen; I’m really used to dishing out orders and having them followed without question. It’s just taking me a bit to adjust to this, uh, combative nature of yours. I promise it’s got nothing to do with your vagina and everything to do with your inexperience in magic.” He stared back at me for a long moment before that smile peeked back through. “Speaking of your vagina... are you suggesting you’re interested in pursuing something less professional between the four of us?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I think that much is abundantly clear, don’t you?

  “I don’t know; maybe I need some clarification,” he teased with mock ignorance. “Maybe I’ve been misreading your signals. Cats are naturally very affectionate people, you know.”

  I snickered. “Why don’t you get under the covers, and I’ll clarify a few things for you.”

  He only hesitated a fraction of a second—checking if I was serious—before joining me under the thick quilt. His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me close to him, and I hissed when his cold fingers met my waist.

  “Damn, Bo,” I grumbled, “I thought cats were always warm or something.”

  He huffed. “Myth. Why do you think we always need snuggles?”

  “Ah, good point,” I replied, tucking my own hands inside his T-shirt and exploring the hard planes of his back. Damn, he was fit. “You said we had an hour, right?”

  “Uh-huh, something like that,” he replied, arching into my touch like a, uh, like a big cat. Yeah, I know, my description was on point.

  “Awesome,” I replied, tilting my head up to kiss his lips. I started small, teasing him with little pecks and nibbles until he growled with frustration and flipped me under him.

  “Tease,” he accused, kissing me properly and leaving me panting for more.

  I was going to come back with another sassy retort, but then, you know what? There were so many better things my mouth could be doing. My lips parted, and I eagerly welcomed Boden’s hot, passionate kiss.

  Somehow—don’t ask me how—my hands found their way down to his waistband. While my lips kept him distracted—hah, yeah right—I made quick work of his belt and fly, and within seconds I had a hand full of cock. Boden groaned against my mouth but didn’t leap out of bed in horror when I gripped him firmly and stroked, so I took that as a solid sign to continue.

  “Cleo,” he sighed, kissing along the line of my neck and biting gently at the bend where my neck met my shoulder. Oh, holy shit. How had I never noticed how fucking hot that was before? My hand tightened on his hard shaft, and he chuckled against my skin. “Interesting.”

  “Mm-hmm,” I agreed because, yeah, it was interesting. But also, “Do it again,” I suggested. Not that he needed any encouragement. This time his bite was a little firmer, sending a delicious shiver all the way through me.

  “That’s going to mark,” he commented, tracing his tongue over the same spot. In all honesty, I could barely hear him over the sound of my own heavy breathing. Anyone would think it’d been years since I’d gotten laid, not days. But in my defense, uh, all three of my guardians were walking wet dreams. I had actually done really freaking well to make it almost two weeks without just ripping all my clothes off and demanding a foursome.

  “Good,” I murmured back, sliding my thumb over the wet tip of his erection. “Payback for scratching your back the other day. Or... last week. I’ve lost track of time.”

  Boden gave me a small grin as he pushed my tank top up to tease my nipples through the soft lace of my bra. “Time travel will do that to you.”

  “Uh-huh,” I agreed, way too focused on what he was doing to my body to discuss the finer details of the space-time continuum. Maybe later.

  Boden’s hand traveled lower, dipping inside my panties and stroking across my aching cunt. Ugh, that reminded me I was totally going to need to work a waxing appointment in somewhere with all this running for our lives bullshit.

  His thumb teased at my clit, and I moaned way too loudly before clapping my free hand over my mouth. “Shit,” I hissed, shooting a glance at the bedroom door, which stood partly open. Boden hadn’t closed it behind him when he’d come in to chat, but I guess he didn’t anticipate his apology for being a prick to end up like this.

  “Shh,” he snickered, sliding a finger inside me and making me bite down on my own hand. “Got to be quiet, Cleo.” He added a second finger, hooking around to brush over my G-spot and causing me to squirm.

  “Asshole,” I whispered back but arched into his hand, urging him to keep going.

  Two could play at his game, though, and I still had a solid handful of rock hard cock. Giving him a wicked grin, I slid my fist down his length, gripping tight and paying extra attention to the tip when I returned there.

  Boden shuddered, but the lazy smile told me he was all on board with our dirty little game of chicken. Who could stay quiet longer? Guess we were going to find out...

  His fingers withdrew just long enough to strip my panties off, then he was right back there with three. Ah shit. Fuck. Yep, I was going to lose this one... for freaking sure.

  “Guys,” Hunter’s voice came from farther down the hall, and we both froze. “We need to leave soon; are you all ready?”

  Now, I was totally prepared for Boden to sigh, grumble, and move a “safe” distance away before Hunter actually entered the room. I was not prepared for him to take it as a challenge and finger fuck me so quickly, with such jaw dropping finesse, that as Hunter pushed the door open and stepped into the bedroom, I was already coming.

  But sure enough, that’
s what he did.

  Fucking fireworks exploded in my head, wave upon wave of delicious, orgasmic pleasure shooting straight from my clit all the way through my body and back again. Stars danced across my vision, and I could have sworn I had a little bit of an out-of-body experience. By the time I came back to earth, all I could do was offer Hunter a lazy, satiated smile as he scowled from the doorway.

  “You guys are assholes,” he muttered, folding his arms and glaring. But I wasn’t fooled. There was more than a healthy dose of heat in his gaze, and I was feeling too damn awesome to try and backtrack out of it.

  “Hey, Hunter,” I panted. I still held Boden’s cock in my hand, and just to be a shithead, I gave it another teasing stroke.

  Boden snickered a laugh and scooted out of my reach. He adjusted his pants quickly, then slid out of the bed and handed me my underwear from the floor. “To be continued, beautiful,” he murmured before kissing me way longer than a peck. “Again.”

  As he passed Hunter on the way out of the room, I could have sworn I heard him whisper, “Payback, bitch.”

  After he was gone, Hunter arched a brow at me, and I grinned up at him.

  “What?” I asked. “You said it yourself, it’s bad manners to interrupt a lady when she’s about to come.”

  A broad grin spread across Hunter’s face, despite his obvious efforts to hide it. “Dammit, you’re right. Ugh. Okay, hurry up and put pants back on, or I’m going to have to get in there and one-up Boden.”

  “Tempting offer,” I teased, and he gave me a frustrated groan before leaving the room himself.

  Left alone with my thoughts, I took a lightning-fast shower and re-dressed. The guys had brought my spare clothes, so at least I had something clean to put on for the trip to Texas. Nothing worse than fighting evil, ancient goddesses with dirty underwear, right?

  It did give me a few moments to examine my recent behavior, though. Not that I was the kind of girl who staunchly believed in monogamy, but I’d also never entertained the idea of polyamory. Maybe just because I’d never met the right guy? Guys. Plural. Wow, that was going to take a hot second to wrap my brain around.